Flowerlady: Weekly Digest - Combatting Seasonal Depression

How To Combat Seasonal Depression


Oftentimes when feeling down in the dumps some will chalk it up to the, "Winter Time Blues". However, it has been determined that around 5% of U.S. adults experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which involves a shift that's similar to depression with symptoms ranging from feeling sad to a change in appetite and energy levels - for up to 40 percent of the year. (In other words: a long time) So, if you're wondering how to fight seasonal depression; no worries, we've got you covered. 

While you might not be able to change the weather and bring the sun out from underneath the shadows, you'll definitely want to read the following tips for how to fight seasonal depression.


  by Unique Arrangements on September 24
 It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

- Aristotle 


(6) Effective Tips To Manage (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder

  • Tip 1 - Light Therapy

When the sun is nowhere to be found, you have to go with the next best thing: Light Therapy. The boxes range in price depending on the size. (this portable option is approx. $35 on Amazon) and are fairly easy to use. According to the, American Psychiatric Association (APA), all you need to do is devote around 20 minutes or more a day sitting in front of the light, preferably right after you wake up. While filtering out the harmful UV rays, you'll get a nice mood boost, and in as little as one week of treatment, you could already see symptoms disappear.


  • Tip 2 - Rise and Shine

Although, it may be tempting to curl up under the covers all day when it starts to get chilly outside; it's not beneficial to your mental health. According to the Mayo Clinic, it's important to not go overboard on sleep. Obtain what you need, but don't sleep in. Instead, get up early and start your day with something active and a hearty breakfast, no matter how tempting it is to stay hidden under the blankets.


  • Tip 3 - Become More Spiritually Grounded

Whether you're religious or just spiritual, either one is linked to being happier overall, says a 2011 review published in the, Handbook of Religion and Health.  Find something you're passionate about, you'll feel a sense of joy.

  • Tip 4 - Saying, Thank You" 

Your mom was on to something when she always made you say, "Please" and "Thank You". A 2014 case study published  in the Journal of Positive Psychology found even something as simple as, thanking a cashier at the grocery store or writing a thank-you note can make you feel happy. Saying this word can help you boost your mood by 25 percent.


  • Tip 5 - Take Yourself Out To Lunch

Instead of eating at your desk again, take the time to treat yourself to a lunch at a nearby restaurant. Getting away from the office, getting a little sunshine and eating some good foods will instantly boost your mood and make you feel happier for the rest of the day. (plus, everyone can use a little break from their boss now and then.)

  • Tip 6 - Get Yourself Some Flowers
I know you did not think I was going to end this without saying anything about flowers, did you? Not only will a fresh bouquet of flowers brighten up your home, but they'll also give you an instant boost of happiness. A 2005 study published in Evolutionary Psychology found the effect of flowers can actually last for days, making you feel happy far beyond the moment you bring them into your space.


Unique Arrangements

2876 Colorado Blvd Denver, CO 80209


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